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Marketing Messages Must Resonate

Marketing Messages Must Resonate

Media buying and strategic placement of your online advertising videos, banner ads and web messages are important for continuing the growth of your company. Your branding message should be consistent and tie in to all mediums, including keyword management. When consumers see your ads or search for information, your message should be clear, informative and found in the right place at the right time.


Starwood’s 20th Year announcement, website animated video & introduction to the “we do it outdoors” branding campaign.
Ncutt designed and developed Starwood’s 20th year promotional campaign to include
branding, collateral and promotional tie-ins. Well-known artists were featured in the animation.

Creative Value: advertising consistency in media buys and SEO to written messages
FIrestone Mudflap & Model Promotion

Product Campaigns for ROI

Product Campaigns for ROI

For greater returns, a manufacturer must assist distributors in selling products. Consider a strategy to covering all angles — sales tools for the reps, in-store point-of-purchase promotions, valued give-aways, and relevant advertising. A multiple pronged approach re-enforces your message and sells!


Firestone’s FS590 PLUS tire sale was planned to run through the summer. The Ncutt designed campaign was so successful that they sold out of tires in several weeks. Promotional gifts were offered through eye-catching point-of-purchase displays. Ncutt also developed an incentive program for the sales reps. The combination of the manufacturer’s special offer to the customer AND the incentives for the dealers and reps sold TONS of tires.

creative value: Technology offers analytics that help you direct your next steps

Tradeshow Rules

Tradeshow Rules

#1: Let a designer coordinate your tradeshow booth design.
Ncutt will work with your staff to ensure aesthetics, marketing needs, new product or innovation prominence, and technical requirements.

#2: Remember, patrons come to learn!
Let them browse or guide them while you are getting their contact info and give inexpensive sales literature with contact information.

#3: Follow up!
Only send catalogs as a follow-up to prospects.
Sadly, less then 20% of exhibitors track their ROI and 80% of exhibition leads are never contacted! (CEIR)


Permobil, a global wheel chair manufacturer, markets heavily at industry tradeshows. Permobil needed to stretch their marketing dollars so Ncutt designed a small brochure to literally and inexpensively rollout their full product line for broader distribution. The colors chosen for the booth attracted attention and complemented Permobil’s logo. Nine video screens were used together to create a grand screen that ran a presentation that filled all screens at full scale and individual sequencing screens – the result was brilliant!

creative value: Tradeshows help you connect with customers. Follow up.

VIP • Very Important Packages

VIP • Very Important Packages

Today, many venues, events and non-profit groups are seeking sponsors and many corporations are seeking sponsorship opportunities. Ncutt has created presentations for companies on both sides of the field helping many to connect. Ncutt can assist you whether you’re wanting to attract regional, national, or global attention.


Starwood Ampitheatre, the largest outdoor venue in middle Tennessee, needed assistance in selling ticket packages to a corporate clientele. Ncutt designed a brochure that stated and visually clarified the programs Starwood had to offer. Along with ticket packages, enticing sponsorship opportunities were offered.

creative value: Details matter. Inform your clients in an easy to follow guide — it's important.

Effective Client Presentations

Effective Client Presentations

When a presentation is made, strive to present your ideas in a professional manner.
Ncutt can assist you and your team with creative direction and a fresh perspective to strengthen your presentations. Different styles and types of presentations can be tailored to your business needs.


Warner/Avalon Sponsorship Marketing, Proposals & Presentations. Warner/Avalon realized the value and effectiveness in using top-notch presentations to attract businesses. Ncutt assisted Warner/Avalon in landing major sponsorship deals, from the event vendor sponsor to the primary corporate sponsor.

creative value: Build your presentation upon the facts your audience will take away, then connect with a creative to polish your image.